大家注意 世达集团的 老千创办人 王义元 Stanley Wong Kwueh Lin 他的公司先在处于破产的局面 裁员,骗取自己公司的员工,投资他们! 这都是他 和 黄义翔 Brian Wee Shiong Han 老千 两人无能 导致! 活该! 两人做人没信用 因为全部Projects面临失败及亏损 无法把答应投资者的钱退回给投资者 失败的 Projects : 1. Weconnect APP (没人买...
USELESS BRIAN WEE SHIONG HAN WECONNECT CEO This Brian Wee Shiong Han doesn't has the experience to become a CEO. HE JUST HAS OBVIOUS ONE TALENT > TALK COCK WITHOUT A COCK He is : 1. Manipulative (when their crap companies unable to deliver their projects and payout to their investors) 2. Over promising (promise high returns and success on their so call disruptive projects - but all failed) 3. Cocky (look down at others that unable to give value or give benefits to him) 4. No manners (lan si - asked those that know him before he starts MIG) 5. Real Faker (don't believe whatever he said that he knows - he has ZERO knowledges, he just copies other) The reason why he hires a bodyguard, riding in luxury cars is because he wants others to feel that he is a very successful entrepreneur and Because he is afraids (afraid that investors looking for him for their returns)